Before &

After Waxing


Things To Know Before

  • Hair length must be a quarter of an inch long (which is approximately the size of a grain of rice) or have at least two weeks of growth.

  • Exfoliation is the most important step to ensure the best results. Exfoliate for a minimum of 3 days prior followed by a light moisturizer after every exfoliation to leave your skin hydrated, and ingrown hair free.

  • Trimming will be done at the Beauty Bar if needed.

Things to Know After

  • Nothing needs to be done immediately after your wax. An antibacterial and soothing after wax oil is applied at the end. There is no need for you to apply any lotions or creams.

  • If Irritation occurs - less is more! Do not be afraid to ditch the undies to let your skin breathe.

  • Avoid any sort of exfoliation for 24 - 48 hours after your wax to ensure your skins integrity does not get interfered with. 

  • Waxing should occur every 4 - 6 weeks to make sure you are getting each hair cycle with every wax, which is 28 days. Keeping up with this schedule not only ensures the smoothest waxes, but also aides in slowing down the hair production and lessens hair density over time.


Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips from Rayven as she suffers from chronic ingrown hairs that she has found to work best. The ultimate product to use is an exfoliation glove. If you do not suffer from ingrown hairs but want to avoid them, a quick scrub with a wet exfoliating glove at the end of your showers, when the skin is at its softest, followed by a light moisturizer helps. If you suffer from ingrown hair, do the same but add an extra step by doing a dry exfoliation with the glove before getting into the shower.

Patience and consistency is key, as ingrown hairs develop under the skin for some time before appearing.